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The percentage of Stocks in a Bullish Upswing for all Categories are
66% of the Dow Jones is on an Upswing
72% of the S&P 100 is on an Upswing
87% of the Nasdaq 100 is on an Upswing
78% of all Three Indexes Top Holdings is on an Upswing
The Swing has turned Bullish and Very Bullish for all the Categories this is positive, But I have some mixed signals right now with some of our other larger Swing Indicators they are still bearish.
I need to see the other larger Swing Indicators confirm the Major Market Swing Signal above before going long
The Market had some wild Swings today but nothing really changed. Also, I have not changed my views on the charts either
A picture is worth a Thousand Words
Nothing really changed on the charts Look at Tuesday 2-14-23 to see the chart and levels
Economic Reports
Thursday, February 16, 2023
@ 8:30 am Continuing Jobless Claims (This could be a market mover)
@ 8:30 am Initial Jobless Claims (This could be a market mover)
@ 8:30 am Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg (This could be a market mover)
@ 8:30 am Building Permits (Jan)
@ 8:30 am Building Permits (MoM) (Jan)
@ 8:30 am Housing Starts (MoM) (Jan)
@ 8:30 am Housing Starts (Jan)
@ 8:30 am Core PPI (MoM) (Jan)
@ 8:30 am PPI (MoM) (Jan)
@ 8:30 am Philly Fed Employment (Feb)
@ 8:45 am FOMC Member Mester Speaks
@ 13:30 pm FOMC Member Bullard Speaks
Friday, February 17, 2023
@ 8:45 am FOMC Member Bowman Speaks
@ 10:00 am US Leading Index (MoM) (Jan)
@ 10:00 am CFTC Nasdaq 100 speculative net positions
@ 3:30 pm CFTC S&P 500 speculative net positions
The Bulls and Bears are fighting for control of the Market, but the market is in a Confirmed Uptrend. The Market Breadth is not looking that grea
Thank You